
Who We Are

Our team collaborates to lead LGBTQ+ women on a transformative coaching healing journey toward wholehearted living. We empower lesbians and queer women who love women to get over their ex and get back to themselves.

Sara Webb, a twice-divorced lesbian, is a resilience coach who specializes in breakup and meditation coaching. Sara understands the unique challenges that arise during times of turmoil. 

Our approach goes beyond surface-level remedies, delving into the core of mental health and well-being to allow clients to create lasting resilience through and beyond life changes, gaining mental health empowerment. 

What we do

In addition to our focus on personal healing, we recognize the impact of emotional well-being on every aspect of life.

By providing a safe and supportive space, we empower women to navigate the complexities of heartbreak, helping them rediscover strength, purpose, and a renewed sense of self. 

What we believe

Sara and her team believe:

  • love is love

  • human rights are for ALL humans 

  • diversity makes us stronger 

  • kindness is paramount to everything

Who and where we serve

Sara Webb extends her reach worldwide, speaking at global events, engaging virtually and in-person for workshops, and serving a diverse clientele both in private and group coaching sessions.
Through video conferencing, she collaborates with select clients, prioritizing flexibility, security, and privacy to deliver optimal benefits.

We are as inclusive as possible, serving anyone who identifies as a woman who loves women, meaning you don’t have to be a lesbian. 

motivational speaker Sara Webb gently rests hand behind neck
Sara Webb | Resilience Coach

Core values:

Find your inner power.
We support and motivate clients to feel they are living on purpose, and on a path toward personal success.

When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.
We provide strategies and tools to empower women toward maximizing resources for personal success and inner freedom.

We are the sum of our habits.
Healthy habits create lasting change in peoples lives.
We empower women to grow to love themselves with the power of healthy habits.

Love, connection, joy, and compassion are our natural states, and our birthright.
We work to empower women to find their inner power, their true nature, and act from there.

Sara and her team only teach what they personally practice.
We are committed to consistently engaging in healing, growth, and expansion.

I’m Sara Webb, and I’m here to help.

Woman seated comfortably on couch beside a window sill adorned with potted plant

My purpose is to accelerate your personal growth so that you can flourish in every area of your life, especially in your ability to find clarity, energy, and relaxation. 

When we get clear on the autonomous operations of our brains and bodies, we can utilize this pivotal knowledge to enhance internal technologies to hack the system and override faulty alarms. 

Find the freedom of stillness within proven mood-boosting and manage of stress techniques.

woman working outdoors at table, laptop open next to white mug

I empower women to maximize healing with simple and effective science-backed technologies that build resilience and confidence from the inside out.

Our team cultivates an inclusive environment, supporting all women suffering due to heartbreak. 

As a rape survivor who is now twice divorced, I understand resilience and what it takes to get back on your proverbial feet. 

Heal From Breakup and Empower Yourself

Join us

This is where healing begins, and a brighter future unfolds

Book your Resilience Roadmap call